JD Capital Joins Hands with SCU Alumni Fund and Opens a New Chapter of Innovation, Entrepreneurship,


SCU Alumni Establish a New Investment Fund

On September 28 when Sichuan University (SCU) was about to celebrate its 120th anniversary, the SCU Alumni Tongchuang Investment Management Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “SCU Alumni Fund Company”), initiated by the Global Alumni Entrepreneurs Association of SCU and sponsored by numerous SCU alumni, was officially founded. 

The SCU Alumni Fund Company plans to initiate the establishment of the SCU Alumni Tongchuang Equity Investment Fund (hereinafter referred to as “SCU Alumni Fund”). With a down payment value of no less than RMB 1 billion, the SCU Alumni Fund is expected to engage in market-based operations, focus on equity investments of excellent SCU alumni’s start-ups or growing enterprises, and establish a new platform for SCU alumni’s cooperation and development.

It is reported that the SCU Alumni Fund Company is the first alumni fund management company established and named by a university alumni association in China. The world-renowned universities including Harvard University and Yale University all have their own large, mature, and specialized alumni funds, which contribute to the creation of a positive interaction situation where “top universities breed top funds and top funds serve top universities.” The launch of market-based and specialized alumni funds by Chinese universities has pioneering significance.

Under the invitation of the SCU Alumni Fund Company, JD Capital will participate in the initiation, establishment and management of the SCU Alumni Fund to help it grow into a top alumni fund in China. Cai Lei, alumnus of SCU and Chairman of JD Capital, attended the activities.

National Policies Promote the New Startup Investment

On September 20, the State Council issued the “Opinions on Promoting Sustained and Healthy Development of Venture Capital”, as an effort to guide the startup investment at the national level. The Opinions emphasized on accelerating the fostering of an atmosphere favorable for capital venture development and the creation of a cooperative and interactive development pattern of “entrepreneurship and innovation plus venture capital,” so as to further enlarge the scale of venture capital and promote its development and optimization It’s also stipulated that multiple investors, including industry bellwethers, enterprise incubators, industrial (technological) innovation centers, and innovation service centers, shall be encouraged to set up venture capital enterprises or pour money into startups.

The establishment of the SCU Alumni Fund Company and SCU Alumni Fund comes at an ideal time for the exploration and experience accumulation for the national innovation-driven development strategies and mass entrepreneurship and innovation demonstration bases construction. Meanwhile, the SCU Alumni Fund Company will assist the SCU Education Foundation in setting up a venture capital fund for the public good, namely the SCU Alumni Entrepreneurship and Innovation Special Fund, proactively responding to and pushing forward entrepreneurship and innovation in SCU.

JD Capital Begins a New Development Chapter

As one of the largest equity investment and management agencies in China, JD Capital manages several RMB and USD funds, accumulating nearly RMB 30 billion paid-in funds invested by a great number of well-known domestic insurance companies, family funds, pension funds, state-funded agencies and industrial groups. It has invested in almost 300 industry bellwethers and high-quality enterprises and successfully finished the listing and exiting of over 100 investees.

Among the investors of JD Capital, some are SCU alumni and their working institutions. The famous SCU alumni enterprises invested by JD Capital include Gifore Agricultural Machinery Chain Co., Ltd. (300022), Chengdu Hongqi Chain Co., Ltd. (002697), Sichuan Dowell Science and Technology Co., Ltd. (300535), and Chengdu Fusen-Noble House Industrial Co., Ltd. (has received the approval of initial public offering from the China Securities Regulatory Commission and is waiting for share issuance). In addition, JD Capital, through contribution, donations for construction, and management of alumni funds in recent years, has donated to such public-welfare foundations as the Smile Angel Foundation and Beijing Red Cross Foundation for many times, and has supported Tsinghua University to establish the Research Center on Global Acquisition and Reorganization, taking an active part in all sorts of social works for the public good.

Currently, China is vigorously pushing forward the implementation of the supply-side structural reform and innovative development strategies, which provides JD Capital with new development opportunities. Committed to becoming a world-class investment and asset management agency, it is working to promote social efficiency and justice as well as human progress and welfare via equity investment.

About SCU

Ever since its foundation in 1896 as the Sichuan Chinese and Western School, throughout over one century, SCU has witnessed many vicissitudes and cultivated many celebrated alumni. Located in Western China, it is identified as a key high-level comprehensive research university under the direct administration of the Chinese Ministry of Education and a higher education institution of the 985 Project and 211 Project. In addition, SCU was listed among the top 10 universities in the China University Rankings in 2015 and one of the first batch of four national demonstration bases for mass entrepreneurship and innovation in 2016. In the new historical period, SCU aims at building itself into a world-class university.
