Jiuding Capital Won JRZ? Excellent Investment Institution Award


Recently, 2010 China Equity Investment Forum and “JRZ” awards ceremony hosted by Shanghai Securities News and www.cnstock.com were held in Shanghai. Jiuding Capital was awarded “JRZ? Excellent Investment institution”. 

Receivers of “JRZ? Excellent Investment institution” are frontline institutes that have played an active role in recent years in China equity investment market. Jiuding Capital was awarded with this honor because of its leading position in capital financing, investment, management, IPO, etc..

Leaders from government administrations including Tu Guangshao, a member of standing committee of Shanghai municipal party committee and vice mayor, Xu Lin, director of Department of Fiscal and Financial Affairs, National Development and Reform Commission, and Peng Jianguo, director of Research Center of State-Owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission (SASAC), fund managers from top investment institutions, and some enterprise leaders participated in the forum, and had a deep discussion about hot issues including investment and financing for emerging strategic sectors during transformation, QFLP, etc..

The award ceremony invents to sum up China equity investment experience in recent years, promote exchange and cooperation, and drive excellent innovative enterprises and VC/PE firms to accelerate growth and development.
