JD Capital Awarded “Equity Exit Winner of the Year 2015” and Others


Recently, the “2015 Commendation Meeting for China’s Venture Capital & Private Equity Industry”, sponsored by China Venture Capital & Private Equity Association (China Association of VC/PE), was held in Beijing, with over 200 attendees including leaders of related associations and institutions and representatives of the VC industry.

While looking back on the growth trend of China’s VC industry in the previous year, the meeting also revealed ten annual awards. JD Capital was awarded “Equity Exit Winner of the Year 2015”, “Equity Fundraising Winner of the Year 2015” and “Achievement Award of Outstanding Equity Investment Institution”. 

So far, the RMB funds under the management of JD Capital have exceeded 30 billion yuan and the USD funds exceeded 300 million dollars. JD Capital has invested over 260 enterprises with a total investment amount of over 20 billion yuan. Among these enterprises, around 70 have entered domestic and global capital markets, obtaining or planning a total exit amount of over 10 billion yuan. The overall Internal Rate of Return (IRR) of exited projects reached over 30%. Furthermore, in recent years, JD Capital has assisted some listed companies to conduct nearly 30 mergers and acquisitions and has established buyout funds with nine listed companies.

China Venture Capital & Private Equity Association is a national social organization founded with the approval from National Development and Reform Commission and registered with the approval from the Ministry of Civil Affairs of PRC. Compliant to national policies, laws and regulations on equity and venture capital, it studies major related theoretical and practical problems, trains professionals and talents for the industry, and strengthens standards and norms of the VC/PE industry as well as the self-regulation of enterprises. At the same time of protecting legal rights and interests of equity and venture capital investors, the association also aims to establish ways for communication and cooperation between VC/PE enterprises and government authorities, among VC/PE enterprises, and between VC/PE enterprises and venture enterprises. Based on these efforts, the association intends to promote the stable, healthy and rapid growth of China’s VC/PE industry.

Four commendation meetings for China’s venture capital & private equity industry have been held since 2012. With the principle of “being just, fair, and open and for public welfare”, the commendation has played its role in establishing an industry benchmark, building the VC brands, strengthening the positive motivation, emphasizing industry self-regulation, etc.
