JD Capital: Mission in Mind, March forward


Time flies. In the twinkle of an eye, a year has passed.

As the Chinese New Year draws near, JD Capital would like to thank all investors, entrepreneurs, friends and partners who care for and support our development. We wish you a very healthy, wealthy and happy new year.

A decade’s passed and the mission stays unchanged

At the beginning of 2017, JD Capital celebrates the tenth anniversary of its establishment. This is a new start for us, and now we are better able to see a clear picture of the future.

Following the idea of value investment, we continue to help cultivate industrial leaders, and in doing so, fuel the growth of the real economy with equity investment. This is us seizing the great opportunity brought by China’s big rise.

We adapt to the changing financial environment with evolving investment models. Also, we lead industrial adjustment and upgrading with the spirit of innovation so as to catch up with the fast growing capital market.

Under the core value of “say what you mean and do what you say”, JD Capital always puts customer confidence and business reputation first. We seek to enhance social welfare with entrepreneurship, support programs for public good, and assume corporate citizen responsibilities. We answer to the call of the time, and proceed motivated by the trust of our customers and partners. The decade-long history has been accompanied by the firm, powerful and determined footsteps of our people.

Embrace challenges and forge ahead with diligence and courage

2017 will be a year of change and uncertainties. Yet JD Capital is confident of its decisive judgment and careful strategies.

We seize “China opportunities”. In China’s new normal economy, JD Capital practices an integrated investment strategy. It helps build industry leaders with M&A and so contributes to economic restructuring and industrial upgrading and optimization.

We value the force of change. JD Capital will further adapt to market changes by optimizing and upgrading investment and financing products, so as to better meet the specific needs of customers and investees.

We pursue win-win results. Following major national strategies, JD Capital strives for win-win results among governments, enterprises, capital and society, and integrates economic, political and social benefits in its equity investment.

We believe in the value of globalization. JD Capital will further gather more international resources such as funds, assets and personnel, so as to build itself into a truly global business.

We emphasize social welfare. JD Capital has established a public welfare foundation to help grow businesses which improve human welfare, and supports public charity activities which really care for the people.

The past decade has seen us staying true to the original mission as always. We thank all our friends, old and new, for accompanying us all the way, and look forward to more companions in the future.

JD Capital (600053)

January 26, 2017
