Jiuding Business School Songshan Lake Forum Held in Dongguan


November 18th, 2012, Jiuding Business School “2012 Songshan Lake Forum” hosted by Jiuding Capital and co-organized by Shenzhen Securities Times was held in Dongguan. The forum invited experts from Yingda Securities and Shenzhen Stock Exchange and one partner from Jiuding Capital to explain and analyze the topics including macroeconomic outlook, key points of IPO review and cases analysis, and financial issues in IPO.  Management from nearly 100 enterprises in the Pearl Delta Region planning to go public attended this forum.

On this forum, Jiuding Capital partner Lei CAI said: Jiuding Business School provided training programs regularly in different cities to the management of companies planning to go public, hoping to transfer judgments on macro-economy through explanations of different topics and to bring value-added service to them by teaching various professional knowledge in IPO field and sharing ample actual experience in the form of cases study, as well as to provide an exchange platform for the management of enterprises from different fields.
