The party assembly and general election of the CPC of JD Capital was held in Beijing


According to the arrangement and deployment of the CPC Xicheng District Financial Street Committee, the party congress and general election of the JD Capital party committee was held in Beijing on May 30, 2018.

The general election is guided by Xi Jinping's thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era, comprehensively implementing the spirit of the 19th party congress, following the requirements of the "four comprehensive" strategic layout, aiming at strengthening the construction of grass-roots party organizations and consolidating the party's ruling base, selecting and strengthening party leaders, and continuously improving the creativity, cohesion, and combativeness of party committees.

According to the requirements of the organization department of the CPC Xicheng District Committee on the gradual implementation of public and direct elections in the general election of primary party organizations in the district, the mechanism of "public and direct elections" is implemented in the general election. The party members directly elect the members, secretary, and deputy secretary of the party committee. The party committee of JD Capital follows reasonable structure, leanness, and efficiency. It has five members, including one secretary, deputy secretary, discipline member, organization member, and commissary in charge of publicity.

The meeting firstly considered and adopted the draft measures for the general election of the party committee of JD Capital and the preparatory candidates for the new members of the party committee, and then all party members voted by a show of hands to approve the scrutineers and vote-counters. The general meeting adopted the method of secret ballot to elect the members of the Party Committee of JD Capital. The election results are as follows.

Comrade Kang Qingshan was elected as a member and secretary of the Party Committee of JD Capital.

Comrade Tang Hua was elected as a member and deputy secretary of the Party Committee of JD Capital.

Comrade Shi Wei was elected as a member of the Party Committee and a member of the Discipline Inspection of JD Capital.

Comrade Wen Ming was elected as a member and organization member of the Party Committee of JD Capital.

Comrade Bin Han was elected as a member and propaganda member of the Party Committee of JD Capital.

On behalf of the members of the new JD Capital Party Committee, Comrade Kang Qingshan elaborated and reported to the Party Committee on the significance of this general election and the implementation procedures, and put forward the planning and outlook on the overall tasks and goals of the Party Committee in the future period. Kang Qingshan said that under the guidance of the spirit of the 19th CPC National Congress, the Party Committee of JD Capital will, as always, unite and lead the Party members and the masses, continue to promote and bring into play the advanced character of the Party members, and provide strong organizational guarantee for the sustainable development of JD Capital.

The whole election process was in accordance with the provisions of the Party Constitution and the Election Law, with strict organization, standardized procedures and smooth progress. The election results will be submitted to the Financial Street Committee for approval and then take effect.

JD Capital Party Committee
Wednesday, May 30, 2018
