Jiusan Society’s Fieldtrip to JD Capital – a discussion about sci-tech innovation


On August 13, Shao Hongyi, member of the Standing Committee, Deputy Secretary General of CPPCC and Vice Chairman of Jiusan Society, visited JD Capital’s headquarters in Beijing. Senior managers including Chairman Cai Lei attended the seminar.

During the fieldtrip seminar, Vice Chairman Shao Hong learned from JD Capital’s Chairman (Cai Lei) and CEO (He Qiang) about the company’s history, status quo and market prospects. Together, they discussed about possible ways to drive the transformation of real economy as well as private capital investment and the establishment of a long-term communication & cooperative mechanism.

In recent years, Jiusan Society has conducted researches on materializing intellectual property right strategy and strengthening corporate innovation. The proposals and advice that came out of the research provided useful reference for China’s sci-tech innovation and development. Moreover, with ample talent reserves, Jiusan Society also sought for nationwide collaboration in researches on knowledge economy and high-tech industry. The seminar allowed the two parties to talk about new topics like domestic achievements in sci-tech innovation, the trend of technical start-ups and domestic sci-tech innovation supported by private capital. 

About Jiusan Society

As a political party mostly dominated by mid/senior science intellectuals, Jiusan Society is led by and in cooperation with the Communist Party of China. It is devoted to socialism with Chinese characteristics. 

The Democratic Science Forum in Chongqing, which advocated the anti-imperialism and anti-feudalism patriotism, was restructured as Jiusan Society to commemorate the great victory of anti-Japanese war and World Anti-Fascist War on September 3, 1945. Following the establishment of the People’s Republic of China, Jiusan Society made CPPCC Common Program and CPPCC General Principle its political program. 

In the past half century, Jiusan Society has been adhering to patriotism, democracy and science, and working with CPC in the great cause of national independence, people’s liberation, the socialism reform, opening up reform and socialist modernization. It is now an important strength in building socialism with Chinese characteristics and safeguarding national stability and utility.

Among the over 170 academicians from Chinese Academy of Sciences (committee member) and Chinese Academy of Engineering, many have made great contributions to China’s sci-tech undertakings. Famous scientists including Wang Ganchang, Deng Jiaxian, Zhao Xianzhang and Chen Fangyun were all members of Jiusan Society, and so is Cheng Kaijia.

Former Chairman: Xu Deheng, Zhou Peiyuan and Wu Jieping. Present Chairman: Han Qide. 
