JD Capital’s 2016 Institutional Cooperation Forum Held in Hulun Buir


JD Capital held its 2016 Institutional Cooperation Forum in Hulun Buir from August 5 to 7.

During the Forum, JD Capital shared with many institutional clients its views on PE investment strategy and opportunities, especially M&A investment, under the current economic circumstances. It also talked about the future trends of the PE sector in the “new normal”.

The municipal Party Committee of Hulun Buir extended a warm welcome to JD Capital and representatives of financial institutions. Li Shirong, the municipal Party Secretary, Chen Zhi, the Secretary-General, Li Cai, Deputy Mayor, Yan Hongguang, Jiang Baodong, and heads of relevant departments, met with executives of JD Capital and had an exchange of ideas, including Cai Lei, Chairman of JD Capital, and Kang Qingshan, the general manager.

Upgrading Urban Economy

During the Forum, Li Shirong introduced the local economy and society, as well as the city’s resource advantages and capital market. Chairman Cai Lei talked about JD Capital’s business features and investment ideas.

With a larger area than any other cities in China, Hulun Buir boasts beautiful natural landscape and rich mineral resources. It has obvious advantages in resource and distinct industrial features. Currently the government is trying to shift the development strategy from resource capitalization to asset securitization. Also, under the “new normal”, the local resource advantages will be fully employed to fuel the transformation from energy – and resource-oriented industry to intensively integrated industry.

Both parties agree that at the current stage of development of Hulun Buir, JD Capital has a bright prospect ahead as a professional investment and asset management institution. Initial agreement was reached on how the two parties will cooperate for win-win results in the future by developing and utilizing tourism and farming resources through industry funds, fueling the growth of local leading enterprises through equity investment, and participating in infrastructure construction, promoting capitalization and securitization through city funds, etc.

Innovating for a Win-win Partnership

Cai Lei, Chairman of JD Capital, gave a speech themed “China PE3.0”, in which he described the development process of the PE industry in China from growth to Pre-IPO and then to M&A investment. He also gave elaborated on the investment strategy of “M&A + growth investment” in the PE3.0 era.

Dang Yaning, Vice President and head of risk control of JD Capital, introduced the objectives, institution and implementation of the company’s risk control system, and shared with the audience the methodology and experience of JD Capital in PE risk control practice. Also, Shi Wei, Vice President and head of institutional client division, gave a detailed introduction to the development path of the PE industry and the significance of PE products in resource allocation. He also talked about JD Capital’s strategies in innovation investment and product development.

The year 2016 marks an entry into the third season of the PE industry – the era of M&A. As a professional PE institution, JD Capital has always believed in the significance of innovation and cooperation. In the new economic landscape, the company has been fueling the transformation and upgrading of local economies by dint of its business and resource advantages. It is dedicated to achieving win-win results with its partners under the core values of “stability + progress”, “value + initiative”, “China + world” and “finance + industry”.
